Wednesday 12 September 2012

My best Friends


Hey! Kita jumpe lg kn.. Erm,, hari nie Hasya nak citer pasal apew yurp ??
Hasya pon x tau nk citer apew ... X de citer yg hot la nk share,,
Korg ade citer x ?? Erm,, korang ade x bff ??
Lagu satu nk tnye, korg tau x maksud bff??
Klu x tau, Hasya bg tau...
Maksud bff is "Best friends Forever"..
Mesti korg pon ade kan.. Semua org ade bff, kawan rapat..
Hasya ade ramai tp yg paling rapat Wan, Pikah, Ain, Husna..
<3 Wan Khairati bt Wan Ismail (Wan)
<3 Syafiqah Syahirah bt Abdullah (Pikah)
<3 Nor Ain Shakirah bt Sbdullah (Ain) [Bukan kembar Pikah]
<3 Nurul Husna bt Norzan (Husna a.k.a Nuna )
Dy org lh bff Hasya.. Kawan rapat Hasya dyorg gax tp tambah lg 2 org,,
Intan ngan Wani,,
<3 Intan Norazira bt Ibrahim (Intan)
<3 Hanis Syazwani bt Hamis (Wani)

My name is Wan Kharati bt Wan Ismail..
Just call me Wan..
I remember someone and it's him..

My name is Intan Norazira bt Ibrahim..
Just Intan
And this is my BFF,,
Hye, the name is Hanis Syazwani bt Hamid,
Just Wani..

Hasya ade lg kawan rapat. Name dy Azra.. Dy memang baik la..
Dy suke share story ngan Hasya.. Hasya ade ramai kawan rapat, tp klu nk citer sumenye,, sampai esok x abis lg,,
Dh esok sekolah,,, adoi..
<3 Nor Shafidatul Azra bt Jamzili

Dari kiri,,
Wan, Azra, Hasya..
(Maybe korg dh tau kot, cbb Hasya edit ltx name)

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship..
Klu ada masa, Hasya akan citer tentang sume kawan Hasya, termaksud lh, kawan musuh.


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