Monday 22 October 2012

Miss Davina,, please DON'T GO !! :'(


Today i fell so sad,,
because i will lost my favourites and cute teacher,,..
She not only cute, but i really loves her,,
I love her smiles..
She always smile no matter what..
Maybe everyone in SMK Bukit Damar will miss her s much..
I will miss you..


Miss Davina Chen,,
came to SMK Bukit Damar in early February 2012..
First time i saw her at the Hostel in SMK Bukit Damr..
But before that,,, i talk to her,,
From her voice, i know she is very nice..
And i was right..
She is,,

When the English Camp in Gunung Senyum,,
you always with 'Pikolo'.. (x tau name btl dye)
I was so jealous with her,,
I know 'Pikolo is a good girl..
I know she will miss you too..


Hasya dh rindu ngat kt Miss Davina..
Hasya saje nk tulis dlm bahasa inggeris nk bg Miss Davina bace,,
Hasya cume nk Miss tau yg Hasya indu dye dh.,

The first day Miss Davina datang..
Duta Amerika pon dtg..
Untung la..

Miss Davina,,
I wish you could stay here longer,,
I wish you could stay with us forever..
I don't know the next year ETA..

Is he/she is nice like you ??
Is he/she funny like you ??
Is he/she will be like you ??

I wish....

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